Public Right Of Way

12th March 2020

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Peacehaven Town Council along with residents have set up a working group to try and secure a public right of way.

Evidence is being gathered in support of a claim that the path shown on the map meets the conditions required to be recognised as a right of way.

This is a route that was used for decades for exercise and dog walking etc prior to Barratts securing planning permission for Chalkers Rise, to develop much of the route.

The claim is being made with the aim of at least saving the concrete track which co-incidentally now leads to Centenary Park.

If you have walked this route or any part of it, it would be very helpful if you would be good enough to download & print and complete a 'User evidence form, together with a map showing where you walked.

User Evidence Form


Please complete the attached forms and return to the Peacehaven Town Council Offices as soon as possible.

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