Vicky Onis

Civic, Governance, and Support Officer

01273 585493

Staff member since: 4th February 2019

Responsible for: Initially beginning at Peacehaven Town Council as Admin Officer, taking minutes at meetings and creating the Agendas for our many Committee meetings. I now have a wealth of knowledge within the team; I am a point of contact for Planning related /enforcement issues. I also take on small projects within the Town and work with ESCC/LDC and the Police to help resolve issues and cover the Information Officer when needed. I am also the Civic Officer, providing support, guidance, and direction to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Peacehaven.

Qualifications: Introduction to Local Council Administration), Fire Marshal, Introduction to Marketing Automation, Minute Taking, Autism in the Workplace, Level 2 Customer Service, Manual Handling, Civility and Respect, First Aider, Level 3 Safeguarding.

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