26th May 2021
Peacehaven Town Council will be joining the Nation to celebrate NHS Day - below is our programme for the day
NHS DAY – Monday 5th July 2021
10.00am – The Mayor of Peacehaven, Cllr. Isobel Sharkey will raise the NHS Flag at the War Memorial to signal the official start to the day’s celebrations, and will leave the flag flying for seven days.
11.00am – Two minutes silence, bugler playing of the last post and Reveille.
Although this is to be a day of celebration, it is important that the country stops for these two minutes to remember the men and women from the NHS, social care and other key services on the front line who lost their lives in the service of others. Our Mayor and Parish Minister will come together to lead our community in the two-minute silence.
We hope that our local schools will also take part and stop what they are doing at 11.00am and undertake the two-minute silence too, as their tribute to those who do so much for us all.
Residents are welcome to attend the 11.00am event at the War Memorial and tributes can be laid, social distancing must be adhered to.
Our local schools will be contributing to this part of the day with readings and music.
Refreshments will be available after the ceremony.
1.00pm – The Nation’s Toast to the Heroes.
Throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic, one word has been used to sum up the nation’s opinion of our NHS teams and all the frontline workers…. Heroes.
We will be asking our residents to pause at 1.00pm and raise a glass of refreshment of their choice to join in the Nation’s Toast – “To those who gave so much, 24 hours a day, seven days a week within the NHS, social care and on the front line, we thank and salute you”.
Also, at 1.00pm:
To coincide with the Nation’s Toast, we would like to see our residents meet up with family friends & neighbours to organise a garden/house party.
From 3.00pm – Afternoon tea (it’s what we do best)
It has been suggested that where possible our residents organise an Afternoon Tea, which is considered a quintessentially English custom, is surprisingly a relatively new tradition, introduced by the seventh Duchess of Bedford in 2840. The pause for tea became a fashionable social event in the 1880’s when society ladies would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for afternoon tea, usually served in the drawing room between four & five o’clock.
What a great idea to dress up. Dust off those hats & gowns and enjoy an afternoon tea.
It would be lovely to see photos of your event, these can be sent to: [email protected].
8.00pm – Clapping our HEROES and the ringing of church bells
Clapping in the street to show our support for those waging the battle against coronavirus was an amazing, spontaneous, and heartfelt reflection of the public’s appreciation.
We would like our residents to do this again. Open your doors & windows, stand in your garden, or in the street and applaud the unstinting efforts of those people who are STILL saving lives and keeping essential services going.
To coincide with this, hopefully our church bells will sound.
Peacehaven Town Council have NHS button pins in the Information Office for a donation, all profits will be sent to the NHS, please show your support.