16th October 2024
Peacehaven Town Council is aware that Morrisons has issued the following statement regarding the Peacehaven development.
“The development has taken a number of years to come forward. Due to rising construction costs over that time and changes in market demand on the retail units proposed, we are working on a revised proposal that meets the demand and needs of our prospective customers and allows us to deliver a new viable town centre for Peacehaven.”
Please note that the Town Council has no control or authority regarding this project.
If you have any queries or questions, please contact Morrisons directly via:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07380 851821 (during office hours)
Write: Morrisons Consultation, 25 Kingspark Court, London E18 2DD
Alternatively please visit https://morrisons-peacehaven.co.uk/ for any updates.