Council Emergency Grant helps Eight Local Charities so far...

9th March 2021

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On the 9th February we announced the launch of the Emergency Community Support Grant as we were aware of the urgent need to support our community groups and charities which, for several, have not been able to take advantage of any of the various grants available in relation to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions.

So far the Council has provided £7885 worth of funding to eight different community organisations who do fantastic work in our community.

Here is the story so far:

Church Of Ascension C Of E- We provided £1000 of emergency funding to help with running costs to make sure the community hall can stay up and running for when the many community clubs are able return and use the facility.

CATS Club- We provided £2035 of emergency funding to help the CATS Club with running costs as unfortunately due to Covid-19 they have not been able to do their usual fundraising activities.

Peacehaven Covid 19 Mutual Aid Group- We provided £1000 of emergency funding to help Peacehaven Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group  with their basic running costs as they continue to help  Peacehaven & Telscombe residents by doing daily tasks such as shopping, walking the dog, collecting medication etc. They Also perform welfare calls and social chats with the elderly and vulnerable.

Peacehaven Girl Guiding- We provided £250.00 to the Peacehaven Girl Guides.
Peacehaven Girl Guides aim to give girls a chance to explore the world around them and further afield. To create a safe space for them to feel happy and secure. To be able to express themselves in whatever way they feel happy to do so. Due to Covid they have been unable to meet up with the girls. The subs they normally pay goes towards rent, activities, and census.
Some units have been meeting on Zooms trying to give the girls some normality to life. But some girls are not overly happy to join in.
The Census is now due and some units are a bit short of cash so Peacehaven Town Council are happy to offer this emergency grant to cover the cost of the Census.

1st Peacehaven Brownies- We provided £400.00 of funding to support  the 1st Peacehaven Brownies placing new members. Due to covid there has been no income as they have been unable to fundraise or have face to face groups, but the units have continued to provide online meetings providing activies to help the girls complete badges, challenges and awards, with very depleted funds.
When the covid-19 restrictions ease there are 14 girls on the waiting list who will now be allocated a place and will be provided with good quality activities. Unfortunately Peacehaven has lost 3 units over the last 18 months.

Newhaven & District Lifeboat Society- We provided £1,000.00 of funding to contribute to Running costs.
During covid-19 (April 2020 to November 2020) Newhaven lifeboat attended 8 incidents in the Peacehaven area. During the pandemic rescues have continued as normal and all of the costs have been funded from reserves. The shop attached to the lifeboat station has also been closed so they have not received usual funding.

Deans Senior Tea Club- We provided £1,000 of funding to the Deans Senior Tea Club so they could continue Outdoor events (once restrictions lift), provide transport to residents in need, offer a befriending  service & also providing a hamper service.

Seahaven Responders - We provided £1200 of funding to the Seahaven Responders for adding additional lighting and sign writing on a new vehicle.

If you know of any community groups and or charities who would benefit from Emergency grant funding please get in touch as soon as possible by emailing:

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