23rd December 2024
Southern England from Berkshire to Kent is now grouped into one big area for transport policy called Transport for the South East. An area-wide policy started to be developed some years ago and the 2020 policy is now being reviewed.
Click below to fill in the questionnaire to have your say on policy up to 2050 - and to read what the authorities are already thinking of doing. Unlike many questionnaires, there's lots of space for personal views and experience. You can answer as a business or as an individual (or both). It covers everything from blocked roads and unified ticketing (like oyster cards) to the effects of climate change; motorways to rural road access.
If we in Peacehaven don’t tell people what we think and want, we can’t complain later about what they decided to do! This is a once in five-year chance to influence policy.
The consultation closes on 7th March 2025
The Council will be preparing a response in the New Year. Any contributions to its discussions should be sent to [email protected] marked for the attention of the Chair of Planning and Highways Committee.