Public Notice - Tender 001/2022

27th May 2022

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Tender 001-22

Interested persons should apply for the Tender Specification and submit their Tender within 10 working days of this Notice

To install a new macadam path to link from Piddinghoe Avenue into Centenary Park and to resurface the existing macadam pathway

1. Site address: Centenary Park, Piddinghoe avenue, Peace-haven, BN10 8RJ

2. Introduction

Peacehaven Town Council is looking to complete a new pathway from Piddinghoe Avenue to the Gateway Café in Centenary Park and resurface the existing pathway alongside the bowling green.

3. Background

We are seeking Tenders for the completion of the whole project, installing a new pathway and resurfacing an existing pathway.

4. Scope of the Contract

The contract is to excavate the ground to depth, install edging, install sub base and top layers to make a macadam path and to remove the old top surface on the existing pathway next to the bowling green.

Date of publication of Tender: 26th May 2022

Tony Allen

Town Clerk


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