3rd April 2018
For some years now Peacehaven and Telscombe Town Councils have been supporting the work of a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The Neighbourhood Plan seeks to set out a vision for the future of the area together with planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.
Following public consultations and much gathering of evidence it is to go to an independent inspector to see if it complies with some basic conditions and legal requirements. It should be mentioned that the contents of the Plan have already been agreed by both Councils.
Before it is examined by the inspector there is now a further consultation until Friday 24th November 2023.
This can be found at:
Peacehaven and Telscombe Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation – Lewes and Eastbourne Planning Policy Consultations (lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk) The response details are at the bottom of the page.
This consultation just concerns its compatibility and adherence to the legal requirements.
A hard copy of the Plan and supporting documents are also available to view at Lewes Districts Councils Reception Service: 6 High Street, Lewes, BN7 2AD from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.00pm.
Representations can also be made using a form which is available at
Peacehaven and Telscombe Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation – Lewes and Eastbourne Planning Policy Consultations (lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk) which can be emailed to [email protected] or posted to Neighbourhood Planning, Planning Policy, Southover House, Southover Road, Lewes BN7 1AB.
We would encourage as many people as possible to take this opportunity to have a look at the Plan and respond to the consultation.
Once the examination is completed the next step will be for a referendum to take place of all local residents from East Saltdean, Telscombe and Peacehaven. This will seek to obtain approval for the adoption of the Plan.
Cllr David Seabrook Cllr Laurence O’Connor
Mayor of Peacehaven Mayor of Telscombe