Meridian Centre update from Cllr Chris Collier

19th February 2024

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February 2024 Update
In this update:
Update from Morrisons
Some information on the LDC Local Plan
Meridian Centre Update
The update below comes from a meeting held with directly with Morrisons. The aim going forward will be for residents to be able to communicate issues directly with Morrisons, as the development progresses.

The Co-operative leaving the site
The cooperative will hand over the centre to Morrisons on the 28th of February. At this point the agent appointed by Morrisons will take over the cleaning and security of the site.

Access to the Council offices and ESCC library facilities will remain open, and Morrisons are going to look at ensuring that the back carpark entrance is open.

This will ensure that residents arriving via bus to the library, are able to access the site without having to walk right round the building.

Morrisons will also ensure that the grounds remain lit properly, as I understand this is currently an issue for some residents.

Wildlife concerns and re-phasing of building works
Morrisons are aware the current window for work on the trees is about to close. To ensure that there are no issues caused to nesting birds, they have re-phased their plan. At present they are working through these plans with potential contractors.

Shopping services provided by Morrisons in the interim
Morrisons are currently in discussions with two bus operators about a bus services to act as an interim measure whilst the store is closed. A further update will be provided once this has been agreed.

In addition to this, they will be providing a click and collect service to operate from the current site. This will enable residents to order online and collect locally.

FAQ Website and direct contact for residents with Morrisons
I have asked Morrisons about the provision of a direct contact for residents, as going via a filter of me or the town council is not the most direct route.

They have committed to update the meridian centre website over the next few days. This will provide some Frequently Asked Questions, and also a method of contacting them with further queries.


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